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In the Mood to Model

And its not a dress for me!  I started this dress a while ago, as I had ordered yards of the cotton sateen fabric to use in my Etsy shop and now it is all but gone.  So I am giving this dress to my hairdresser Lia.  She and I are just about the same size and height.  I decided to slip into her dress take some photos of myself for a change.

Before I get to any sewing, I want to say a very heartfelt thank you to everyone who commented on my last post with lots of good wishes for a speedy recovery to my back problems.  I am being careful, slowly healing, diligently doing my exercises. Surely I speak for many when I say that through a year of blogging I now have some wonderful friends in all corners of the globe and it would be so great to meet in person. If only!  And go fabric shopping!

redwhite dress 1
This is one of my all-time favorite fabric choices.  You know I love the super-colorful but my sister pointed out that for other people who may not be as color crazy as I am but want a print or some color, the 2-color or one bold color on white is a good option.  I think she is correct since this fabric was snapped up pretty quickly.
Of couse I put pockets in it.  The pattern is New Look 6457 with a few tweaks, such as much thinner, wide-set straps to give it a retro look.


This summer I have altered a few J.Crew strapless dresses and they all have the inside elastized back strap which helps with the fit and maybe keeps someone from a wardrobe malfunction.  I really dislike strapless dresses but that is a topic for another day. So I added the inside back strap to this dress to try it out and I am really happy with it, I don't know why this is not included on patterns, such an easy addition.  This version is not particularly beautiful but I made it on the fly - next time it will look a little better.  I attached it by stitching in the side seam through all layers (dress plus lining) from the outside, the stitching is hidden and it makes it very secure.
This pattern has a nice shape across the top of the bodice and an attached facing that creates that pleat across the front.  I used the same pattern last year on my Floral Dress for a Sunny Day.  As I did on that dress the front facing was changed to 2 pieces, and is sewed into the side seam.  

silvercork sandalsThe SunnyGal garden photo was included in my first photo - the crepe myrtle trees in shades of pink.  So instead a look at my newish sandals - I really like them, but due to my back issues they will only get out for photo shoots, 5 minutes at the most. I bought them on a whim,  silvery-bronze on cork wedges.  Oh well, next summer. Plus you get a peek at my lovely tennis-sock tan lines.  

Happy Summer Sewing, Beth

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