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The Digit-al Dozen does Books - Papyrus

Hello lovelies!

So books... usually they're printed on paper and what's the precursor to paper? Indeed, papyrus. Ancient Egyptian books were written on papyrus and I had this wonderful plate lying around, begging to be used, so here goes!

I used a base of Essence "Love's Recipe" and stamped using Lina's Nail Art Supplies "Make Your Mark" #2 and BPS greenish-yellowish stamping polish, to create the papyrus look. Then I stamped the hieroglyphs and images, using Beauty Big Bang black stamping polish and KADS Travel #002. 

I am quite pleased with the outcome! What do you think? Have you ever done an Egyptian design on your nails?

Now I'm going to check out the other ladies' manis in the links below!

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