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Vegas Duo; Anonymous Lacquer & Ever After Polish

Evening beauties!  I'm settled in for the night and watching Stranger Things, do you watch that show?  The few episodes I've seen so far are very suspenseful!  Anywho, since I can't sit and focus on any one thing at a time I decided to share a late night post with you.  Well sadly I didn't get around to this one in time, it was made available while I was on vacation, and now it's sold out.  I have no idea if the duo will be made again.  Sorry!  But the details about this duo are; it's called the Vegas Duo and has a polish from Ever After Polish and Anonymous Lacquer.  It was from Cocktails & Colors in Vegas.  It was $20.  If you're a fan of these brands and missed out then my fingers are crossed for you that this duo makes a return!  Let's check out the duo!

*press sample*

Anonymous Lacquer: Shop, Facebook, Instagram
Ever After Polish: Shop, Facebook, Instagram

Vegas Duo; Anonymous Lacquer & Ever After
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