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Funky Tribal Nails

Hello there. I have been obsessed with tribal nails lately and I do not know why. So I have some tribal nails here that I am fond of. I used a picture I saw on Instagram as inspiration (can't find it now :/). I am terrible with coming up with tribal nail designs, it takes me ages. She did a great design so here my interpretation of it. It's not very different :/ But it's matte!!!

I should've let more glitter peak through cause those are my favourite bits!!! I'm happy with how it turned out. It wasn't actually too hard, you just have to be careful :P I was ok if my lines weren't completely straight (tape takes too much effort).
Dark Blue: Essie - Bikini So Teeny and Models Own - Freak Out!
Pink: OPI - Japanese Rose Garden
Light Blue: The Face Shop - GR501
I originally used OPI - Charged Up Cherry, but it just didn't look right so I painted over it. Tribal is awesome and it looks impressive even though it is rather simple. Oh more tribal to come (more matte to come too :P), I have seen some awesome ones and I simply cannot wait (I have to copy tribal nails, I'm terrible at coming up with them myself :/).

Have a nice day!!! :)

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