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Castle - Season 6, Episode 5 'Time Will Tell' [Review + Recap]

Well, wasn't this one of the best episodes of the season so far? 'Time Will Tell' treated us to several classic Caskett moments and a supposed time-traveller back from the future to stop billions of people dying. Oh yes, you heard that right. If you haven't seen the episode yet, then you really probably should go watch it. So, need a recap? You've come to the right place. The episode kicked off with the electrocution and murder of a young woman named Shauna, and Castle and Beckett are back to investigate. 

A young man was seen running from the scene of the crime and they eventually identify this man as Simon Doyle. It turns out the woman is a parole officer, but none of her parolees look like viable suspects. So it's all down to Doyle. But wait, here's got the best 'story' ever. Doyle claims to be a person from the future, who has been sent back to try and stop billions of people dying, which centres around a global energy war that supposedly happens in the future. But here's the snag - Doyle doesn't know how Shauna, the victim, fits into this and has no idea who will be next - but just that he needs to stop anything else happening. Obviously, Beckett isn't buying it, but Castle is enthralled with the possibilities. 

Meanwhile, back at maison la Castle, Alexis is moving out with Pi, and Castle isn't happy. Beckett tries to explain that Alexis is growing up and needs to experience things for herself, make her own mistakes and form her own path. Castle tries to think everything over. Back at base, it turns out Doyle has disappeared from his cell after saying he is about to be 'recalled' back to the future. Could what he said be true? Is he an agent from the future? Beckett is not pleased, but it turns out that Doyle couldn't have murdered Shauna as he was being held in psychiatric care at the time of her death. They find out that a prostitute was paid to go home with Shauna the night of her death, and that the prostitute was told to do that by her boss. The boss 'Mike' claims that he was told to do that by a former icy inmate, Garrett Ward. Apparently, Ward is quite a beast. Not dissimilar to a 'soldier,' it turns out Ward tried to bomb a science conference, and the team link that to Shauna's brother, Malcolm. 

They realise that Ward was torturing Shauna to find the location of her brother. They rush on over to the house, only for it to be revealed that Ward has already struck and broke Malcolm's neck - right in front of his wife. Beckett and Castle decide to track down the leader of a eco-rights group that Ward was previously a member of, and he reveals that Ward is indeed, a complete and utter nut-job. He also reveals that Ward kept harping on about an energy war - like it already happened - not dissimilar to Doyle. The speaker and head mentions that Doyle might be at an old energy plant, and Beckett and Castle rush on over there. But no sooner have they arrived, they've found the weirdo's den and he has attacked Beckett and Castle. He almost strangles Castle, but fortunately Doyle turns up and saves him, scaring off Ward. Doyle chats with Beckett and Castle and reveals that in the future, Beckett is Senator and Castle and herself have 3 children. 

This astounds and intrigues Castle and bewilders Beckett. Beckett and Castle sift through Ward's creepy items and find a photograph of a letter addressed to Malcolm from a high school student. They desperately try to hunt down the high school student, as they suspect he might be the next victim. They identify him (eventually) as Deschile, and this sparks a memory in Doyle who says in the future, Deschile and his team of scientists save the rest of the world from fascists in the energy war and that this might be the reason why Ward is after Deschile. 

They locate Deschile at the planetarium just before Ward pulls a knife, intending to kill him. Ward is as cold and hard as a rock, and reveals nothing in reference to a motive, leaving Beckett annoyed. Deschile however says that he was the one who alerted security to Ward, giving Ward a possible motive to have wanted him dead. This satisfies Beckett, but Castle still has his theories. 

Meanwhile, Doyle has been released as he has passed his psych eval with relative ease - well, he is a time-travelling agent (allegedly)! Doyle leaves, but he leaves behind his device-thingy, so Castle rushes up to catch him to give it back. However, Doyle turns a corner and vanishes, leaving Castle beguiled and astonished. Come on time-travelling! The bit we absolutely loved about this episode were of course, the possibility of Senator Beckett and baby crime-fighters. This episode had pretty much everything and fans of the series will no doubt adore this episode. It was all a bit Back to the Future and we loved it. The next episode is entitled 'Get a Clue,' so, guesses on what this one is about? Also, how did you like this week's episode?

Reviewed by Mel. 

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