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What Do African-Americans Really Want From White America?

I want to know- what do African-Americans really want from white America? I really want to know. I am not writing this as an article, I am simply asking cos I want to know. I have been listening to Hip Hop music since the early 90s, and I have watched it change over the years. There has been an influx of a lot of negative, but you can't deny the positive that has come from the evolution of rap music in America. In 1996 Tupac was asking if America was ready for a black president, and today, Barack Obama is running his second term. It is quite unfortunate that Tupac Shakur didn't live to see this day. I am not saying Hip Hop put Obama is office, but you can't say rappers and the brands they have built over the years weren't instrumental in Obama's successful campaign for presidency. 

So, I ask again; what do African-American's want from white America? Why are they quick to shout RACISM at any chance they get? Why keep a word like Nigger/Nigga alive and give it power, when you feel it can be offensive if used by someone of another color, even if that person was just trying to be part of your culture? Why push white people away when it is a fact that they are responsible for more than 70% of CD's bought? Why want equality, and still push the people that you want to get it from away? Do you want love or hate? How can you want equality for your selves, but don't want equality for white America. Why does a pioneer rapper like Lord Jamar make a statement like 'White rappers are guest's in Hip Hop?'

I decided to ask these questions cos of the ongoing Justin Bieber racist issue. The lil man said some things when he was 15, and now people want to forget what he has become since then and hold on to the past and call him a racist. He was an ignorant kid singing a racists song that someone else sang, and people want to hold that against him? He is now 20, and 70% of his friends are black people, and yet people still want to call him a racist. If he was an eighty year old man, I would say he probably has been hiding his racist ways just so his business can keep flourishing. But this is a kid that is still growing. In the last five years, he has grown from what he was to what he currently is; and the people in his immediate environment, the people that are around him all the time would have sharped what he has become. If the people around him all these years are black people, even if he was a racist as a kid (very funny assumption by the way), how can he still be racist now? It is not possible. 

Now, I am not stupid. I do know there is still racism in America and the world over, but the racists are passing away; they are old men and women in their 70s and 80s...the Donald Sterling's. You can't do anything about people like that, their beliefs have been embedded in their subconscious minds long ago. The best thing is to just avoid them, and let them die out. But this new generation...the teens, the people in their twenties and thirties, they don't see color. Look at Hip Hop shows and concerts recently, in every single city,  in every country around the world, who are the predominant people in the audience? That's right; white people. They have fully embraced the hip hop culture, so why push them out. Why make them feel the way black people felt in the past? Why keep blaming them for what their forefathers did in the past?

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