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Let's Help You Identify Your Skin Type

There are different types of skin, which requires different method of treatment. Everyone's skin is normal to them, but in order to care for diverse skin types, we often group people into some skin categories. Ascertaining your skin type is an important first step in knowing how to treat your skin, what products to use, and how to have perfect skin.

How to determine Your Skin Type 

Step 1
Wash your face to remove make-up. Wash with a gentle cleanser and pat dry. This cleans away oils and dirt that may have accumulated during your day, giving your skin a fresh start.  Do not over wash though.

Step 2
Wait for 30mins. During this time, your skin should return to its natural state, the characteristics of which will determine your skin type. Act normally and don't touch your face.

Step 3
Dab your face with a tissue. Pay attention to the 'T-zone" area of your forehead and nose.

Step 4
Skin falls into four types-

Normal skin shows neither oil nor flaking skin. It should feel supple and smooth. If you have it, consider yourself lucky. Normal skin is not too dry, not too oily. It has no or few imperfections, no severe sensitivity, barely visible pores, a radiant complexion. 

Oily skin is characterized by the grease on the tissue. It is also common for a person with oily skin to have large pores and a shine, black heads, pimples or other blemishes.

Dry skin may feel taut or show flakes of dead skin. It is associated with small pores. Almost visible pores, dull,rough complexion, red patches, less elasticity and more visible lines. When expose to drying factors, skin can crack, peel or become itchy, irritated or inflamed. If your skin is dry, it can become rough and scaly, especially on the  backs of your hands, arms and legs. Moisturizing is important for this skin type.

Combination skin is most common. It exhibits traits of all three of the above skin types. Usually, the skin is oily in the T-zone and normal to dry elsewhere.

In addition,
Aged skin: This type of skin is found majorly on the elder's body mostly dry, with lines and wrinkles with loss of moisture.

Courtesy of Thea Skincare

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