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Review: Plantae Rose Hip Fruit + Seed Serum

Hey Beauties!

Plantae is new brand on Slovenian market. It's organic skin care brand from New Zealand. Their products have BioGro certificate which is comparable to European EcoCERT. Every products contains at least 95% certified organic ingredients.  Other ingredients are also of natural origin without GMOs or other harmful ingredients. You can read more about the brand here

Plantae has three collections. Lush Leaves to refine and refresh oily or blemished skin, Flower Power to balance and brighten normal or combination skin and Berry Bliss to renew and replenish dry or damaged skin. 

I got their Rose Hip Fruit and Seed Serum for dry to damaged skin from their Berry Bliss line. Serums are probably my favorite skin care products besides AHAs and BHAs. You could easily live off of serum and forget moisturizer, if you have good serum. 

It comes in dark green bottle with dropper. Their whole range is white and green with simplistic design that I like. In it is 30 grams of products and it costs 44.90$ or 30.28€

It's concentrated facial serum with organic supercritical extracts from the whole  rose hip berry

Dropper has a curved tip which is probably meant for you to hold it straight and you don't need to bend it in order to get product out. I found it a bit odd in the beginning, but I got used to it.

Packaging is definitely secure and there's no spillage. It also has darker bottle to prevent damage of ingredients

Key ingredients of this serum are rose hip, rosemary, rose and sandalwood.

I have already used rose hip oil before and loved it. It's probably the most versatile oil to use on anyone's face. This serum also contains organic rose hip oil which is very rich in antioxidants, which include a lot of vitamin C, lycopene and cartenoids. It has high concentration of omega 3, 6 and 9 essential fatty acids which improve skin firmness and elasticity

It also contains organic steam distilled rosa damascena flower oil which gently firms and strengthens the collagen-elastin network due to cytophylactic properties. Rose oil produces mild toning and astringent effect on facial capillaries

Organic rosemary supercritical extract is protective antioxidant with repairing and anti-irritant properties and it also tones, firms and revitalizes the skin.

It has a very natural ingredients list with a lot of good plant extracts.

It should improve texture, tone and luminosity for lucent, glowing skin. It's ideal for dry skin types, but other skin types will also benefit from it.

It also claims to increase human skin fibroblast in culture by at least 200%.  I hat to google what fibroblasts are and they are those cells that are responsible for generating connective tissue and allowing the skin to recover from injury. 

For some reason I expected it to be thinner and lighter, but it's actually like a diluted face oil. I would say almost a mix of oil and regular serum consistency

If you've ever tried pure rose hip oil, you'll know that it has a fairly strong yellow color and so does this serum. It's not as thick and greasy as pure rose hip oil. It's a bit runnier and it's fairly lightweight on the skin. It leaves your skin shiny, but doesn't seem to stain it or my pillow either. 

It has a much more pleasant scent than pure rose hip oil. It's definitely more of a herbal plant scent with slight sweetness. If you're used to artificial skin care scents, you'll have to get used to this one. I though it was a bit strong in the beginning, but then I got used to it. 

It soaks into the skin nicely, but still leaves greasy shiny layer on top like thicker versions of dry oils.

I've been using this for a little over month and a half. I apply two to three drops in the evening on my entire face. My skin has been looking really well these past months. Apart from some hormonal breakouts, it's been on its best behavior. I think I can definitely blame it on this serum.

It really nourishes and moisturizes my skin through the night. I also felt like my skin was a lot softer in the morning. my favorite benefit that I've noticed since using it is that it clears up my skin and keeps it bright. I am a picker, and I love to pick on my pimples. When I have pimple scars, this serum noticeably reduces the scarring, which supports fibroblast theory. 

Even though it is fairly greasy, almost a thinner oil, I still love it for summer. Because the vitamin C brightens up my complexion and I believe rose hip oil to be great for sun burns. It also feels very calming and not one bit irritating. 

I think that oily skins might want to be careful with serum, especially in the summer, because it's more like a lightweight oil. For every other skin type, this is going to be amazing. I would definitely recommend it to those with dry skin and hyper pigmentation. 

To conclude, I really like this serum. It's definitely more of a light oil than regular thinner serums. I felt like it really made my skin nourished, plump and all in all better looking. I loved that it helped to heal my pimple scars quicker and because of vitamin C it's great for summer and brightening up skin complexion. It has natural, but fairly strong scent. If you're conscious about what you're putting on your skin, you'll love it. A lot of organic natural ingredients. Highly recommend it to anyone with dry, damaged and normal or combination skin. For oily skins I can't say how it will be, weather or not it would be too oily for your liking. 

I also have a code for you - "adjustingbeauty" and with it you can get 10% off your order here

And there's more. You can also win some of their skin care products by entering their giveaway here. One of the prices is also this serum. With some luck you'll be the one who gets it. 

 *PR Product

Plantae je nova znamka na slovenskem trgu. Gre za znamko, ki izdeluje organske izdelke za nego kože in izvira iz Nove Zelandije. Njihovi izdeli imajo BioGro certifikat, ki je primerljiv z evropskim EcoCERT. Vsak njihov izdelek vsebuje vsaj 95% certificiranih organskih sestavin. Tudi preostale sestavine so naravnega izvora brez gensko spremenjenih organizmov ali drugih škodljivih sestavin. Več o Plantae si lahko preberete tukaj.

Plantae ima tri kolekcije. Lush Leaves osveži in obnovi mastno in nečisto kožo, Flower Power uravnoteži normalno in kombinirano kožo in Berry Bliss obnovi in dopolni suho in poškodovano kožo.

Dobila sem Serum iz plodov in semen šipka za suho in poškodovano kožo iz Berry Bliss kolekcije. Serumi so verjetno moj najljubši izdelek za nego kože, poleg AHA in BHA kislin. Vsekakor bi lahko živela samo od uporabe serumov, saj so ti tako dobro hranljivi, da včasih niti ne bi potrebovala kreme.

Serum se nahaja v temno zeleni steklenici s kapalko. Celotna linija ima zelo bel preprost dizajn, ki je meni všeč. V njem je 30 gramov izdelka. Cena je 30.28€.

Je koncentriran serum za obraz z organskimi izvlečki šipkovih jagod. 

Kapalka je na koncu ukrivljena, da lažje dobimo izdelek ven, brez da bi nagibali kapalko. Najrej se mi je to zdelo rahlo čudno, vendar sem se hitro navadila. 

Embalaža je vsekakor varno zaprta. Všeč mi je, da je temna, saj s tem preprečimo, da bi se sestavine predhodno pokvarile.

Glavne sestavine seruma so šipek, rožmarin, vrtnica in sandalovina.

V preteklosti sem že uporabljala šipkovo olje in mi je bilo izredno všeč. Za moje pojme je to najbolj vsestransko olje za vsak obraz. Tudi ta serum vsebuje organsko šipkovo olje, ki je bogato z naravnimi antioksidanti, ki vsebujejo vitamin C, likopen in karotenoide. Ima tudi visoko vsebnost omega 3, 6 in 9 maščobnih kislin, ki dajejo koži pomembne hranilne snovi in izboljšajo čvrstost in elastičnost.

Vsebuje tudi organsko parno destilirano olje iz cvetov bolgarske vrtnice, ki s svojimi citoflaktičnimi lastnostmi nežno krepi vezavo kolagena in elastina. Olje vrtnice blagodejno vpliva na tonus in obrazne kapilare. 

Organski izvleček šipka je zaščitni antioksidant, ki obnavlja kožo in preprečuje draženje, hkrati pa jo utrdi in učvrsti.

Sestavine so odlične, vsebuje veliko naravnih ekstraktov. 

Serum bi naj povečal celično dejavnost, izboljšal strukturo kože in poskrbel za mladosten zdrav sijaj. Čeprav je idealen za dehidrirano kožo, je ta serum vsekakor primeren tudi za druge tipe kože.

Naj bi tudi povečal število fibroblastov za 200%. Morala sem poiskati kaj so fibroblasti in sicer so to celice odgovorne za ustvarjanje vezivnega tkiva in omogočajo koži, da se hitreje obnovi po poškodbi. 

Pričakovala sem, da bo serum bolj lahek, ampak je bolj kot ne razredčeno olje. Jaz bi trdila, da je mešanica med čistim oljem in navodno konsistenco večine serumov.

Če še nikoli niste uporabljali čistega šipkovega olja, potem verjetno ne veste, da ima kar močno rumeno barvo. Tudi ta serum ima tako barvo. Ni gost in zelo masten kot čisto šipkovo olje. Je malo bolj tekoč in relativno lahkoten na koži. Vseeno na koži pusti masten sijaj. Meni ne obarva kože, prav tako pa ne blazine med spanjem.

Ima občutno boljši vonj kot čisto šipkovo olje. Vsekakor je vonj bolj  zeliščen oziroma naraven z rahlo sladkobo. Če ste navajeni umetno odišavljenih izdelkov za nego obraza, se boste morali navaditi na ta vonj. Meni se je na začetku zdel precej močan, ampak sem se navadila.

Lepo se vpije v kožo, ampak vseeno za sabo pusti sijoč videz. Imam občutek, da je finiš posoben suhim oljem za obraz.

Serum sem uporabljala več kot mesec in pol.  Zvečer na celoten obraz nanesem dve do tri kapljice seruma. Moja koža je bila v prejšnjem mesecu izredno lepa. Razen občasnih hormonskih mozoljev, se je obnašala pridno. Vsekakor menim, da je za to zaslužen tudi ta serum. 

Preko noči moja koža postane lepo navlažena in negovana. Zjutraj je koža tudi bolj mehka. Moja najljubša korist tega seruma je ta, da mi ohranja kožo občutno bolj čisto in sijočo. Sama zelo rada stiskam mozolje in večkrat na ta račun dobim kakšno brazgotino. Pri tem serumu sem imela občutek, da so se z uporabo te brazgotine občutno hitreje zacelile, kar podpira fibroblast trditev.

Čeprav je precej masten, skoraj kot razredčeno olje, ga vseeno obožujem tudi za poletje. Ker vsebuje vitamin C posvetli kožo in menim, da je šipkovo olje odlično za sončne opekline. Deluje pomirjujoče in nikakor ne iritira kože.

Vsi z mastno kožo morate biti previdni s tem serumom, sploh poleti, ker je bolj kot ne razredčeno olje. Vsekakor pa ga priporočam za vse, ki imajo suho kožo in pigmentne madeže.

Če zaključim, serum mi je zelo všeč. Vsekakor gre bolj za lahko olje ne pa lahki serum. Mojo kožo je odlično nahranil, jo naredil prožno in na sploh je izgleda bolje. Zelo mi je bilo všeč, da mi je pomagal hitreje zaceliti brazgotine od stiskanja mozoljev in zaradi vitamina C je odličen za poletje in posvetlitev kože. Ima naraven, a precej močan vonj. Če gledate na to kaj dajete na kožo, vam bo ta serum zagotovo všeč. Ima velik nabor organskih naravnih sestavin. Vsekakor ga zelo priporočam za vse s suho, poškodovano in normalno do mešano kožo. Za mastno kožo ne morem trditi, kako se bo obnesel in ali bo preveč masten za vaš okus.

Za vse bralke in bralce mojega bloga sem dobila tudi kodo in sicer "adjustingbeauty" s katero boste dobili 10% popust na vaš nakup tukaj.

Sodelujete lahko tudi v njihovi nagradni igri in dobite enega izmed njihovih izdelkov. Klik tukaj. Ena izmed nagrad je tudi ta serum. Z malo sreče bo lahko ravno tvoj.

*PR izdelek.

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